new group and website
(too old to reply)
yosemite sam
2011-02-16 12:09:49 UTC
Hi Everyone,
My name is Sam and I am a senior in high school. I would like you all to come by and visit my new website called "Dementia Second Hand" and my new group of the same name. You can find the links here:

Website: http://sites.google.com/site/dementiasecondhand/home

Group: http://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&lnk=gcimv#!forum/dementia-second-hand
2011-02-16 18:30:47 UTC
Hi Sam,
I'm so sorry to hear about your father and what you and the family have
gone through. Unfortunately, this disease destroys many families because
doctors know little to nothing about it. Its the viruses that are
killing us but too little serious research on facial/cranial diseases.
It takes numbers to get politicians to listen that we desperately need
research on viruses that cause these neurological diseases.
Moebius Syndrome is an organization primarily for the young with
cranial/facial diseases. You may want to contact them too.
I wish you the best.
2011-02-17 12:08:10 UTC
Post by EddyJean
Hi Sam,
I'm so sorry to hear about your father and what you and the family have
gone through. Unfortunately, this disease destroys many families because
doctors know little to nothing about it. Its the viruses that are
killing us but too little serious research on facial/cranial diseases.
It takes numbers to get politicians to listen that we desperately need
research on viruses that cause these neurological diseases.
Moebius Syndrome is an organization primarily for the young with
cranial/facial diseases. You may want to contact them too.
I wish you the best.
Eddy Jean is a troll and her information is made up. Don't believe
me, check for yourself. There is absolutely NO evidence for her
wacky theories.

2011-02-17 17:08:32 UTC
Re: new group and website

Group: alt.support.alzheimers Date: Thu, Feb 17, 2011, 7:08am (PST+3)
From: ***@gmail.com (Evelyn)
On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 10:30:47 -0800, ***@webtv.net (EddyJean) wrote:
Hi Sam,
I'm so sorry to hear about your father and what you and the family have
gone through. Unfortunately, this disease destroys many families because
doctors know little to nothing about it. Its the viruses that are
killing us but too little serious research on facial/cranial diseases.
It takes numbers to get politicians to listen that we desperately need
research on viruses that cause these neurological diseases. Moebius
Syndrome is an organization primarily for the young with cranial/facial
diseases. You may want to contact them too. I wish you the best.
Eddy Jean is a troll and her information is made up. Don't believe me,
check for yourself. =A0 There is absolutely NO evidence for her wacky
Thank you for sharing your story. I have the disease too and can
identify with what you and your family have gone through. Please don't
pay attention to Evelyn's comments. She picks on me all the time but
never has anything to back up her statements except criticize. A trouble
maker. The late Dr. James Ramsay Hunt (an icon) already discovered in
1907 the virus that causes facial/cranial diseases, why doctors did not
follow up on his work is a mystery. Dr. Hunt wrote books but
disappeared. The father of neurology in the United States; yet, few know
about him. Doctors all know about the late Dr. Bell, discoverer of
Bell's Palsy in the 1840s from Scotland, but know nothing about one of
our own great American doctors, Dr. Hunt. Wouldn't you say that's a bit

Alan Holbrook
2011-02-17 10:34:03 UTC

As I'm sure you're aware, approximately 10% of the Alzheimer's
population world wide are diagnosed with the disease when they are
younger than age 65. The name given to the disease these people have is
Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease, previously called Early Onset AD.
While AD is a horrible disease to have to deal with at any age, there
are unique horrors for both the sufferer and the caregiver when the
victim is younger than the age group normally associated with AD.

Not many of us on this newsgroup are closely involved with YOAD. I'm
the self-appointed nag and expert, my wife having been diagnosed at age
57. Having personally experienced the frustrations of dealing with YOAD
and knowing that a lot of people believe that both Santa Claus and
younger people with AD are mythological beings, I am in awe of your
courage and insight and what you are doing with your web site and forum.
I hope that others hop on your bandwagon and contribute to your site.
I'll be adding my story shortly.

In the meantime, I'd like to suggest that you register with a web site
called LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com), which is primarily a networking
group for professionals but which also has a number of special interest
groups, including one for Alzheimer's. Once you join LinkedIn, you can
then join the AD group and publicize your site to a much wider audience
of AD professionals and those who either have the disease or are

Best regards,

yosemite sam <***@gmail.com> wrote in
Post by yosemite sam
Hi Everyone,
My name is Sam and I am a senior in high school. I would like you all
to come by and visit my new website called "Dementia Second Hand" and
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/dementiasecondhand/home
Post by yosemite sam