<Root--> wrote in message news:527a8101$0$2614$***@news.club.cc.cmu.edu...
:: "Sassafrass root, shredded and boiled to make a tea, has long been a
:: "Spring
:: Tonic" among the peoples east of the Mississippi."
:: The out of the ground form has some substance thought to promote cancer,
:: which name I don't recall.
: Ain't it funny how the "experts" want us to consume only organic foods and
: drinks then turn around and claim something in causes a cancer.
: "As I've said before, "According to the experts the Human Race died off
: centuries ago and we are all figments of our imagination.""
:: "I had it quite often as a child and still get it when I can find the
: root
:: for a reasonable price."
:: So did I, one can find forms of it which has the substance removed and
:: states so on the package and is shredded not the whole root.
: "And probably has as much flavor as decaffinated coffee has stimulants ...
: or flavor. Bleh!!!!!"
: I used it once and don't recall a flavor difference.
:: It is the original source for the flavor of "root beer". Although to my
:: knowledge it was never fermented, just as their are other "beers" which
: are
:: of plant origin such as "spruce beer" not fermented.
: "I'm sure someone had to have fermented it at one time or another, but,
: yes, I think you're right about the other plant based "beers" also."
: Here is a page devoted to the topic of root beer:
: http://www.root-beer.org/questions.htm
Currently we use a SodaStream system to make sodapop, including rootbeer,
because it's a bit cheaper than store bought now that we've made a few
Plus it's the only diet soda that has Splenda in all the diet flavors.
For me this is important because I'm either allergic or have bad reactions
to all the other artificial sweetners and I'm hesitant to try stevia.
Budd Cochran
Need proof that we need less government?
They can't run a website that could have
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