2008-09-16 00:28:50 UTC
Since my last post we've treated for scabies a total of four times (three
times with Permethrin cream, once with Ivermictin pills) with only marginal
improvement. Dad's primary doctors says it doesn't look like scabies and
started treatment as if it were a yeast/fungus infection. Three weeks on
things are improving, albeit slowly. Dad isn't itching nearly so badly and
the red rash is slowly disappearing. I suspect that Dad and I had both
scabies plus a secondary infection though we may never know for certain.
If you or your loved ones go to the hospital or nursing home do what you can
to insist the staff take precautions as they migrating from patient to
patient. It's so easy to trasmit some critters or infection and the results
are not pleasant or easy to treat.
times with Permethrin cream, once with Ivermictin pills) with only marginal
improvement. Dad's primary doctors says it doesn't look like scabies and
started treatment as if it were a yeast/fungus infection. Three weeks on
things are improving, albeit slowly. Dad isn't itching nearly so badly and
the red rash is slowly disappearing. I suspect that Dad and I had both
scabies plus a secondary infection though we may never know for certain.
If you or your loved ones go to the hospital or nursing home do what you can
to insist the staff take precautions as they migrating from patient to
patient. It's so easy to trasmit some critters or infection and the results
are not pleasant or easy to treat.