Re: ok here's a newcomer
Group: Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2011, 3:38pm (PDT+3)
From: *** (Evelyn)
On Sun, 20 Mar 2011 09:50:22 -0700, *** (EddyJean) wrote:
Re: ok here's a newcomer
Group: Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2011, 9:23am (PDT+7)
From: ***@lets.not (Alan=A0Holbrook)
OK, Eddy Jean, I thought had learned my lesson a while ago about trying
to deal with you logically, and I'd managed to ignore an awful lot of
the trash and nonsense you've been spouting, but this one needs an
answer. I'd like to remind you of the old saying "It's better to keep
your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and prove it."
Yes, foundations are a tax haven. Nothing illegal, or even morally
wrong, with trying to keep more of your money and give less to the
government. Are they tax havens for the rich? Yes. Are they tax havens
for the poor and for the middle class? Again, yes. Anyone, Eddy Jean,
can (and if they're smart, does) make use of a foundation to shelter
If you don't know what they do to find cures, try researching the
question before implying they don't. Private charitable foundations
provide more support for aid of various kinds than does government
funding. Eliminate them altogether and you eliminate a lot of aid to the
needy, not just medical research, but things like food assistance,
shelter assistance, and heating oil assistance. Your paranoia gets in
the way of your recognizing truth, Eddy Jean. And that speaks as badly
about you as you do about the evil conspiracies against Dr. Hunt.
Someone who does something you don't like isn't necessarily evil,
Look, honeybunch, have you ever tried contacting many foundations for
help to support research? If you did, I think you'd finally learn
something. I've noticed, however, when it's a group of people with the
spotlight on the foundation, they may provide support but very limited
in scope. Otherwise, I haven't found one yet. When there's so little
support from the foundations, where's all the money going that the good
folks are gifting to them??? You need an education on what's really
going on in this world. Just like Evelyn, you don't want to hear the
truth either.
Have a nice day.
Eddy Jean, you are a sick person with a delusion that you can't let go
of even if you are proven to be in error. =A0 I just hope people who
read here are smart enough to do their own research and discover that
you are a troll.
Nobody in the world would be happier than I would be if there was a
cure. =A0 You, however are on the wrong track altogether and you are so
stuck you just can't let go of your delusion.
The situation is, if we don't agree with you, Alan (another one of your
groupie) say we're trolls but not you. Your right and everyone else is
wrong. Baloney peabrain. Still nothing on the horizon for ALS and a
whole bunch of other neurological disease, how long should people wait
before any help arrives for us??? Forever? When the father of neurology
in the United States has already discovered the virus in 1907 that
causes facial/cranial diseases, and you don't want people to know,
there's really something wrong with the two of you.