A passing - Gwen Love
(too old to reply)
2012-05-11 02:38:08 UTC
Its been a while since I dropped as we are so far removed from Doug's
father's passing the I really didn't have the need. But I recently found out
that another former ASA friend, Gwen Love, passed away, some time right
before her New' Year's day birthdate.

Gwen's health had been failing, but none of her family posted anything to
the Newsgroups, so we were in the dark as to her passing until another
friend checked her facebook page. Just wanted you guys to know.

Gwen was always quite supportive, and she connected me with another
newsgroup for arthritis that has helped me beyond measure on my own journey.
She was a very sweet soul and shall be missed.
Lynn Lynn
2012-05-11 13:31:58 UTC
Hi Adelle,

Not too many stop by here anymore. I think I remember you from when Mom
was alive and you were posting here.

Mom passed away two years ago but I try to drop in here every once in
awhile to see if I can offer any comfort or advice to anyone.

Evelyn stops in every now and then too. Her Dad is still living.

Good to hear from you even though it is sad news.

2012-05-13 13:48:15 UTC
Post by Lynn Lynn
Hi Adelle,
Not too many stop by here anymore. I think I remember you from when Mom
was alive and you were posting here.
Mom passed away two years ago but I try to drop in here every once in
awhile to see if I can offer any comfort or advice to anyone.
Evelyn stops in every now and then too. Her Dad is still living.
Good to hear from you even though it is sad news.
Thanks, Lynn;

Isn't it amazing how time can pass so swiftly. I remember how hard your
mom's passing was for you. Hoping you have found peace with the notion of
just how much you did for her.
I have been busy with new ventures - I now cook twice a month for an
organization that provides a free meal to anyone who walks in. Our target
clients are those who are 'food insecure' or isolated. We also have
volunteers who bring meals to a home for teenage mothers and to some
homebound veteran's in our town.

I have also become the 'in house' caterer for our synagogue. Am enjoying the
hands on aspect of cooking for others. Have no idea whether returning to a
law career will ever happen. But enjoying this new avocation while I figure
things out.

My daughter is finishing her junior year in college and my son his freshman
year of HS. Time does indeed march on. And now that we are no longer
caretaking, and living day to day in that "Groundhog Day" of repetition, we
actually get to enjoy it. I hope you have many good things in your life
which you are enjoying!

And to Gwen - Namaste! Thank you for your kindness and wisdom.


2012-06-30 12:41:25 UTC
On Thu, 10 May 2012 22:38:08 -0400, "Adelle"
Post by Adelle
Its been a while since I dropped as we are so far removed from Doug's
father's passing the I really didn't have the need. But I recently found out
that another former ASA friend, Gwen Love, passed away, some time right
before her New' Year's day birthdate.
Gwen's health had been failing, but none of her family posted anything to
the Newsgroups, so we were in the dark as to her passing until another
friend checked her facebook page. Just wanted you guys to know.
Gwen was always quite supportive, and she connected me with another
newsgroup for arthritis that has helped me beyond measure on my own journey.
She was a very sweet soul and shall be missed.
Just saw this now, as I have not been active on newsgroups in a while.
Gwen was a sweet person. May she rest in peace.

