Post by Charles B. TaylorWhere is the Parkinson's Disease newsgroup? I keep seeing references to but when my computer loads the newsgroups it is
simply not there. Has this newsgroup been dropped or is there another
site where it resides?
Ny news server does not list or parkinsons,
either. Nor can I find a support group for Parkinson's down on the
soc.* hierarchy, which is where many other support groups live.
It is always possible to create a new newsgroup on a subject that's
important. If you wish to create one on the alt.* heirarchy, which is
the easiest, the place to lurk for a while is on alt.config - the people
who actually know how to or are in the process of creating new groups
talk there.
It is more difficult to create new groups in the Big 8 hierarchies (the
soc.* heirarchy is the only one in which I found support groups, by the
way, although I'll admit it was the only one in which I *expected* to
find support groups and therefore I kind of skimmed the others).
news.groups is the place to go for answers on how group creation, there.
There is one further source of information of which you might avail
yourself: periodically, a more or less complete list of support groups
- mailing lists as well as newsgroups - is or used to be posted down on
news.answers. You might have a look at that - it still existed the last
time I wanted it, a couple of years ago.
Blessed be,