Post by Evelynwas diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She only lived just one year
after going into the nursing home.
I have no doubt it would destroy my mom's will to live.
Post by EvelynOn the other hand, my father has no legal POA in place and will not do
so, no matter how limited his abilities have become. He has been a
violent, angry and stubborn man all his life, somewhat paranoid and
extremely difficult.
I can soooo relate. My mom isn't violent, but extremely strong-willed
and stubborn.
Post by EvelynMy siblings and I don't want to disturb the status quo or do anything
just yet, until we really have to.
This is a HUGE mistake! I've been doing much the same thing, not
wanting take the necessary steps, not wanting to "own" my mom. I'm
now seeing the folly of my thinking.
Post by EvelynBut we have consulted with a
lawyer about getting conservatorship. That Lawyer wants ten thousand
dollars to do this. We quite naturally, are reluctant to spend that
kind of money unless it is really urgent.
I also consulted an attorney several years ago and was put off track
by the some of the misleading advice I was given. If your dad has
assets, as my mom does, the attorney will bill his estate. Also, you
may be able to do a lot of this yourself. I only yesterday learned I
can petition the court for guardian/consvator-ship myself with no need
for an attorney!! Call your county COURT clerk for advice. Make sure
it's the COURT clerk and not just the county clerk, which is
different. I live in CO. Your state may be different.
It's astonishing how much so many helpful people DO NOT know. I've
talked to at least 2 dozen people in the last 2 days and all but 3 of
them have been essentially useless. One, while helpful, sicced the
cops on me. No problem. They meant well and it turned out OK.
Post by EvelynMy fathers doctor has been very helpful so far. But I can see that
things may get difficult sometime soon, especially if his present
caregiver decides to leave, as she has repeatedly threatened to do.
That's why you need to start taking immediate steps to get
guard/conserv (G-C) status of your father. I once thought the state
would take my mom whether I wanted them to or not. NO!! Even if I WANT
my mom in a home, I have to do it, even though the state/fed will make
up any financial shortfall. I still have to initiate it. Basically,
the state will let you rot in the nest you make for yourself. At
least here in CO.
Post by EvelynI thought it was hard taking care of my mother in law, but taking care
of my father is going to be even worse. None of us are emotionally
equipped to deal with it. He will have to go into a facility right
away if his present caregiver decides to leave.
Hence, my advice, based on what I've learned in the last couple days.
Post by EvelynHe says he is unable to walk without a walker, but that is not true,
as we all have seen him walk without it. He pretends to be more ill
than he is, but when he fell once, his caregiver called 911 only to
see him pull himself together, answer all questions rationally, and
refuse to go with the ambulance.
Typical, in my experience. My mom can play strangers like a fiddle,
they all thinking she the sweetest person on Earth. The reality is,
she can be a mean, viciously hurtful person to get her way. Not at
all the mother I've admired all my life. Quite a shock!
Post by EvelynSo we wait. Unfortunately it is all we can do.
Wrong. Don't wait. Start being proactive. Get the pertinent info to
get G-C of your dad. You may be able to DIY in your state. I'll give
you more info as I gain more. My plan of letting my mom "do her own
thing" till really necessary has returned to bite me in the ass. She
was OK two days ago, now "really necessary" has turned into almost too
I'm glad I opened up and finally posted, here. Here we are, you
consoling me and me advising you. Whodda thunk it. I'm glad we
hooked up and I hope I can help you as much as you've helped me. Just
having someone to talk to is a godsend. Thank you.
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