2010-12-08 16:10:08 UTC
See off Alzheimer's with the color purple
December 8, 2010
Ground-breaking research from Professor Douglas Kell, published in the
journal Archives of Toxicology, has found that the majority of
debilitating illnesses are in part caused by poorly-bound iron which
causes the production of dangerous toxins that can react with the
components of living systems.
These toxins, called hydroxyl radicals, cause degenerative diseases of
many kinds in different parts of the body.
In order to protect the body from these dangerous varieties of poorly-
bound iron, it is vital to take on nutrients, known as iron chelators,
which can bind the iron tightly.
Brightly-coloured fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of
chelators, as is green tea, with purple fruits considered to have the
best chance of binding the iron effectively .
However, despite conflicting reports, the widely-publicised benefits
of red wine seem to work in a different way, and have no similar
benefits, Professor Kell's paper noted.
This new paper is the first time the link has been made between so
many different diseases and the presence of the wrong form of iron,
and gives a crucial clue as to how to prevent them or at least slow
them down.
Professor Kell argues that the means by which poorly-liganded iron
accelerates the onset of debilitating diseases shows up areas in which
current, traditional thinking is flawed and can be dangerous.
For instance, Vitamin C is thought to be of great benefit to the
body's ability to defend itself against toxins and diseases.
However Professor Kell, who is Professor of Bioanalytical Science at
the University, indicates that excess vitamin C can in fact have the
opposite effect to that intended if unliganded iron is present.
Only when iron is suitably and safely bound ("chelated") will vitamin
C work effectively.
Professor Kell said: "Much of modern biology has been concerned with
the role of different genes in human disease.
"The importance of iron may have been missed because there is no gene
for iron as such. What I have highlighted in this work is therefore a
crucial area for further investigation, as many simple predictions
follow from my analysis.
"If true they might change greatly the means by which we seek to
prevent and even cure such diseases."
Provided by University of Manchester
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!
December 8, 2010
Ground-breaking research from Professor Douglas Kell, published in the
journal Archives of Toxicology, has found that the majority of
debilitating illnesses are in part caused by poorly-bound iron which
causes the production of dangerous toxins that can react with the
components of living systems.
These toxins, called hydroxyl radicals, cause degenerative diseases of
many kinds in different parts of the body.
In order to protect the body from these dangerous varieties of poorly-
bound iron, it is vital to take on nutrients, known as iron chelators,
which can bind the iron tightly.
Brightly-coloured fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of
chelators, as is green tea, with purple fruits considered to have the
best chance of binding the iron effectively .
However, despite conflicting reports, the widely-publicised benefits
of red wine seem to work in a different way, and have no similar
benefits, Professor Kell's paper noted.
This new paper is the first time the link has been made between so
many different diseases and the presence of the wrong form of iron,
and gives a crucial clue as to how to prevent them or at least slow
them down.
Professor Kell argues that the means by which poorly-liganded iron
accelerates the onset of debilitating diseases shows up areas in which
current, traditional thinking is flawed and can be dangerous.
For instance, Vitamin C is thought to be of great benefit to the
body's ability to defend itself against toxins and diseases.
However Professor Kell, who is Professor of Bioanalytical Science at
the University, indicates that excess vitamin C can in fact have the
opposite effect to that intended if unliganded iron is present.
Only when iron is suitably and safely bound ("chelated") will vitamin
C work effectively.
Professor Kell said: "Much of modern biology has been concerned with
the role of different genes in human disease.
"The importance of iron may have been missed because there is no gene
for iron as such. What I have highlighted in this work is therefore a
crucial area for further investigation, as many simple predictions
follow from my analysis.
"If true they might change greatly the means by which we seek to
prevent and even cure such diseases."
Provided by University of Manchester
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!