Bohgosity BumaskiL
2013-04-18 12:08:43 UTC
1. Tea contains Aluminum. It iz one of few plants that do. Most
plants rejekt Aluminum at their roots, in favour of Boron, which iz
in the same group. No purpose iz for Aluminum in animal metabolizm.
Iron iz not the only element found in amyloid plaques.
2. Tea contains Manganese. Most plants contain some. Tea duz not
contain much else. Manganese iz in the same group az Iron. It iz
heavier, though, which means that it supports much more oxidation,
az in KMnO4 (+7). It iz suppozedly a component of yuuzd Super-Oxide
Dismutase (MnSOD), which forms from the active and usual Cu-Zn-SOD.
3. Tea iz diuretic. Your body haz more yuusez for water than
anything else on Earth. A Xanthine derivative (loosely, caffeine) in
Tea iz called Theophylline. While it iz great for asthmatics and
smokers, a major side-effect iz a loss of water. Want you to kill
brain cells? Go through life with a deficiency of water.
plants rejekt Aluminum at their roots, in favour of Boron, which iz
in the same group. No purpose iz for Aluminum in animal metabolizm.
Iron iz not the only element found in amyloid plaques.
2. Tea contains Manganese. Most plants contain some. Tea duz not
contain much else. Manganese iz in the same group az Iron. It iz
heavier, though, which means that it supports much more oxidation,
az in KMnO4 (+7). It iz suppozedly a component of yuuzd Super-Oxide
Dismutase (MnSOD), which forms from the active and usual Cu-Zn-SOD.
3. Tea iz diuretic. Your body haz more yuusez for water than
anything else on Earth. A Xanthine derivative (loosely, caffeine) in
Tea iz called Theophylline. While it iz great for asthmatics and
smokers, a major side-effect iz a loss of water. Want you to kill
brain cells? Go through life with a deficiency of water.