Jeff Bezos to fight climate change
(too old to reply)
2020-02-19 22:25:37 UTC
Jeff Bezos announced $10 billion for climate change from his own
personal fortune. Meanwhile, local deliveries are growing by leaps and
bounds. Local delivery trucks pollute more than any other vehicle
because they drive short distances and constantly get started and
stopped. I read a study that over the next few years they'll contribute
to so much congestion in cities that it'll add 10 minutes to local
travel time on surface streets and will probably further kill off bus
service patronage.
My guess is he'll probably contribute more to climate change than he
will to mitigating it.
But Bloomberg already beat climate change.
You mispelled "Obama".
Nah. He stopped the file sharing of out of print soundtrack albums.
Don't you remember the Obamesiah declaring he'd make the oceans
recede and and the planet heal? *snerk*
Nope. And that's because he didn't do any such thing.
Allow me to refresh your selective memory:

Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.
2020-02-19 22:25:38 UTC
Don't you remember the Obamesiah declaring he'd make the oceans
recede and and the planet heal?*snerk*
For starters, it's off-topic, and second, I don't gloat.
Sure you don't.
Wow, talk about the proverbial blind pig...

Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

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